Posted on: September 10, 2022 Posted by: Roger Walker Comments: 0

Mozambique is the world’s 35th largest country, and it is located in East Africa. Despite being one of the poorest countries in Africa, it is still home to one of the most amazing landscapes and beaches on the continent. It also has some natural parks and attractive spots.

It is one of the most popular countries on the African continent, as it welcomes tourists from all across the world. Mozambique is known for its wildlife and cultural heritage which has the former Portuguese colony sprinkled all over it. There are many things that can be discovered in this country. In this article from casino US online casino, we will be listing a few of the best places you should visit when you decide to travel to the East African country.


Being the capital of Mozambique, Maputo is meant to be attractive as it is a multicultural city where you can find Africans, Chinese and Arabs living in harmony. It is located in the far south of the country and the capital was built in a modern style with degraded suburbs. The first place you should be visiting here is the Cathedral, which was built in the art-deco style at the beginning of the last century. You should also visit the Maputo Central Market where you can find almost everything from food to crafts. There is also the Natural History Museum and the Revolution Museum that are worth visiting.

Quirimbas Islands

The archipelago in Quirimbas shouldn’t be missed when you visit the country. It is located on the north side of Mozambique, and it has 27 dream islands with pristine beaches, beautiful landscapes and water populated by sea turtles, dolphins and many more. If you love diving and snorkelling, then you’ll be falling in love with this place. The archipelago also has a high number of coral islands gathered in Quirimbas National Park, one of the most protected areas in the country, and you’ll still be able to access aus online pokies from this location.


Inhambane is a beautiful town located in the south of Mozambique, and it is one of the best places to visit when you travel to the country. It is a quiet town with colonial buildings and features of African architecture. You should visit the Cathedral and the mosque of the city, and you can also walk through Mercado Central which is filled with African life.

Niassa Reserve

Mozambique is an African country known for its attractive natural parks. The Niassa Reserve, which is located in the far north of the country, is a nature reserve that covers 42,000 square kilometres. Most of it is made up of open savannah, but it also has one of the largest miombo forests. You can visit if you love antelopes, buffaloes, elephants, hippos, and impalas.