Posted on: February 23, 2017 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0

Drop everything and run in Australia: How to get the working holiday

Endless beaches, surfers and kangaroos: beyond the cliches – often real – Australia is one of the most popular destinations for those who dream of a better life abroad. And who decides to drop everything to go and live on the other side of the globe is quite right: the data speak clear fact, those leaving to find work can find it also in less than ten days!

And the mix of more employment opportunities, breathtaking sea, exotic atmosphere and improbable pizzas like pineapple and ham – that despite the very negative opinions of purists is worth trying – the Australia is a truly amazing place (and not just because they serve cocktails such as drinks at meals).

Those who decide to leave for work in Australia indefinitely or simply take a sabbatical for an adventure to break from the routine of every day will need to obtain the Working Holiday Visa (WHV), whose name already says a lot : holiday work. Born in an international agreement in the 70s is a great way to promote tourism and cultural exchanges from one point of view insider.

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Experience life down under you can be able to live in Australia for a twelve months and study for up to 17 weeks, to work full-time and travel between the various States of the Down Under: the dish to perfect for unforgettable memories or the starting point for a new life in Oceania.

Usually we start from major cities such as Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Melbourne, where take advantage of valuable English schools to improve their language skills and make new contacts and friendships – ready before heading towards new Australian destinations less known.

To be able to apply for visas WHV serve mainly two requirements:

  1. Be aged between 18 and 30 years (you can apply for a visa before the completion of the 31st year of age);
  2. Be a citizen of a nation between Italy, UK, Canada, Republic of Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Hong Kong, Japan, Republic of Korea and Taiwan. Countries like the US, Spain or Argentina have other types of visas WHV.

Contrary to what one might commonly think, the working holiday visa is not difficult to obtain, and you can also request it online from the website of the Australian Immigration Department from which you can also pay off the costs of obtaining visas, 440 AUD by credit card or pre-paid. The generally is sent in fairly quick answer, but will depend upon the specific case.

You may also like to read another article on NGCATravel: How to Study More Effectively While You Travel

Obtained a visa you open the doors to those who want to live and work in Australia. What are the jobs most in demand?

  • Barman – girl or guy does not matter, the profession behind the counter of a bar is always on top of the demands and invest a little preparation to be able to sell the better it is undoubtedly a good idea.
  • Chef, sous-chef and dishwasher – in the kitchen there is always need for personal and although it’s a cliché a little ‘trivial, in this area is always a plus point (though of course you can also claim a minimum of training and experience).
  • Valet – yes in the dining there is never crisis, especially in Australia, where the crisis there really is (or feels is very little).   Then, if the restaurant is oceanfront even better.
  • Nanny – is widespread in Australia the figure handyman housekeeper and you can often find real deals to be seized of families that offer salary + accommodation and meals.
  • IT Technician – another big cliché that proves true, the computer world is always in turmoil, and if you have the right preparation you can easily aspire to even prestigious positions at Australian companies.
  • Laborer / Construction worker – the construction industry in Australia is booming and there are plenty of houses and construction sites under construction. For this it is quite simple to find a first job as well as a manual laborer or construction worker while not having a qualification behind.