Posted on: April 30, 2023 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0

El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona, ​​Torrevieja, Marbella and Palma de Mallorca are some of the most dangerous cities in Spain. In general, Spain is one of the least dangerous countries in the world, ranking among the top 30 safest, according to the Global Peace Index prepared by experts from the Institute for Economics and Peace . Even so, and as it happens in practically any other place, there are cities in which, for various reasons, more crimes are committed than in others, making living in or visiting them require taking certain precautions. The most insecure cities are those in which the most criminal offenses are committed taking into account the number of inhabitants.

Prat de Llobregat

Among the municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, El Prat de Llobregat, in the Barcelona metropolitan belt, stands out as the most insecure, with a total of criminal offenses that exceeded 80 per 1,000 inhabitants in the past year 2022, including, in This data, the crimes committed in the airport area , something that contributes to considerably raise the crime rate of the town.


The Catalan capital is also at the head of the most dangerous cities in Spain. Of course, it must be taken into account that Barcelona has very diverse neighborhoods and areas, the vast majority of which are totally safe for tourism, but it is true that its rate of infractions rises to just over 70 per 1,000 inhabitants.


Torrevieja, in the province of Alicante, occupies third place in this ranking, with 67 registered offenses for every thousand people living in the coastal town, a municipality that, it must be remembered, in summer considerably increases its population .


Also in the Andalusian community there are cities whose crime statistics indicate a high crime rate. Marbella, in the province of Malaga, is one of the favorite cities for the most exclusive tourism, but it is among the most dangerous cities in Spain. With a rate of around 65 offenses per 1,000, thefts and robberies at homes and establishments stand out , as well as the theft of vehicles and crimes related to drug trafficking.

Palma (Majorca)

According to the data from the Ministry of the Interior, Palma de Mallorca is among the cities in which it is advisable to take certain precautions with regard to security (in some areas), since its rate of infractions is approximately 62, 5 per 1000 inhabitants.

Palma is included among the cities that receive the greatest number of tourists and visitors every year, but also among those in which the most thefts occur, with just over 13,000 in the fourth quarter of 2022 .

San Bartolome de Tirajana (Las Palmas)

In the Canary Islands, specifically in the province of Las Palmas, is one of the cities with the greatest citizen insecurity in Spain. Despite the fact that the number of crimes committed in this town, in Gran Canaria they have been decreasing progressively throughout the period from 2016 to 2020, but the crime rate continues to be high, with 62.4 offenses per 1,000 inhabitants .


Once again, in the Balearic archipelago, the town of Calvià occupies seventh place on this list of the most dangerous cities in Spain which, it must be remembered, changes according to the data on crimes committed that are obtained every quarter of the year.

Calvia, in the western part of Mallorca, is one of the main holiday and tourist destinations on the island and, as in the previous case, the level of crimes committed has been significantly reduced in recent years. Even so, his criminal offense rate is just over 61/1,000.


With a rate of infringements that is close to 59 per thousand inhabitants, the tourist capital of the island of Ibiza, famous worldwide for its parties and nightlife , is among the Spanish cities in which certain precautions must be taken in the face of to security, especially with regard to theft and robbery.


57.8 criminal offenses is the rate that places the Catalan city among the most dangerous cities in Spain. Thefts, robberies with force in homes, businesses and other facilities , as well as robberies with violence and intimidation were, in that order, the crimes that were most committed in the fourth quarter of last year.


A Catalan city also closes the list of least safe cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants in Spain. With a rate of criminal offenses of slightly more than 56 per thousand , as is the case in practically all the towns mentioned, Lleida has also experienced a slight decrease in its crime rate. Despite this, it continues to be on the list of the 10 most dangerous cities in Spain with theft crimes as the predominant ones.