Posted on: June 10, 2016 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0

This stunning archipelago in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is among the most famous destinations anywhere in the world for wildlife and nature-watching. The lush highlands make way for azure seas lapping on to stunning tropical beaches, and unusual animals live around every corner. It is a widely held belief that the islands inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

The Enchantment of the Galapagos Islands

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The volcanic islands of the Galapagos lie right on the equator. Each has its own distinctive landscape and wildlife, from penguins on sandy beaches to the giant tortoises that are synonymous with the Galapagos Islands.

An Exciting Holiday Destination

The only practical way to get around the tiny islands is by boats that travel day and night, making multiple stops across many combinations of island stops and routes, so there will be many options for you to tailor a trip to what you want to see and do. But exploring the islands independently is becoming increasingly more difficult.

More than 170,000 tourists visit the Galápagos Islands each year, and its popularity does not look like waning any time soon. Wildlife tourism is now facing tight controls as a consequence of the islands’ popularity with tourists, so if you are considering Galapagos holidays, make sure you book with a reputable specialist tour company like They will ensure compliance with allowable visiting areas, certified guides and a move towards a likely cap on tourist numbers.

When to Visit

There is something fascinating to see every month in the Galapagos Islands, from the green turtles laying their eggs in the sand in January to penguins interacting with people in the warm waters off the coast across the summer and humpback whales and sea-lions passing through.

The warmer rainy season runs from December to May, with March and April the warmest months, when the seas are calmer – better conditions if you want to snorkel. The weather turns cooler and windier between June and November, when sea swells can make some landings more difficult for smaller craft.

These beautiful islands are in many respects unchanged since Darwin’s time, though tourist numbers are rising quickly and the figures are indisputable. With quotas also on the rise, get up early, make the most of the day and ensure you’re there before everyone else. You won’t regret it, and you will give yourself a holiday to remember forever.