Posted on: October 8, 2016 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0

Nature tourism to backpacking is not new. Make a route down the mountain with free camping is an activity practiced long ago, although areas to spend the night in the tent are increasingly restricted. However, it is true that in recent times has been gaining more popularity a mode in which the route runs not walking, but cycling; it is the bikepacking.

A recent report in the newspaper The Guardian pointed out some of the reasons why this a little more adventurous way of cycling was winning many followers; mainly because it allows closer contact with nature and offers a greater sense of adventure and remoteness from everyday life.

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What is needed for bikepacking?

This bicycle touring, as we might translate into Castilian, is defined as a mixture of mountain biking and camping minimalist . At least, that describes the web Bikepacking. The idea is to make a route of several days, if possible, little traffic, and sleep along the way. To do this, you need to travel light, with only the essentials.

What is it essential?

  • A comfortable mountain bike, because the days can be long.
  • Saddlebags: basic are a saddle bag, one for the frame, a harness under the handlebar (to carry rolled up sleeping bag, for example) and a small bag to place in the top tube.
  • A lightweight tent.
  • Camping equipment (flashlight, accessories for food and water).
  • First aid kit and bicycle repair.

The idea is to travel as light as possible, only things really necessary to complete the route without carrying excessive weight.

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Where you can go?

In theory, bikepacking can be just anywhere, but it is easier to find routes in areas where cycling is more widespread, and also where there is a noticeable Shining Path activity. It is a widespread activity in the Anglo world, so it is quite easy to find routes bikepacking in the United States. Some of them also add the difficulty of go across desert areas such as Arizona or Colorado.

In Europe there are a few destinations that have become very popular. It is the Loop Cairngorms in the Highlands of Scotland, the Altravesur route between Cadiz and Valencia, the journey through the wilderness of Dartmoor English or French great crossing of the Massif Central. In each country there are different areas, many located in natural parks, which can be good destinations for this activity.

More and more brands of bicycles sold accessories geared specifically to this type of cycling adventure and mountaineering routes no longer walking only on foot. The most popular bikes have become not just go around the city, but are used increasingly for travel and new experiences in nature.