Posted on: May 10, 2016 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0

On this occasion, we decided to get down investigating the number of days that each country has to find new destinations and make your leisure. Join us and find out which are the countries with more and less vacation!

To begin this journey, we will begin with Latin American countries, which stand to be among the top of the list. Topping the American and world list, Brazil and Peru are the countries with the highest number of days to rest, with 30 days per year.

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At No. 13 in the world and third in the continent, it is Argentina with 21 calendar days, although this number varies depending on the age of each worker. Followed by Uruguay, with 20 days and Colombia, Venezuela, Chile and Mexico, with 15.

In the rest of the globe, France, Spain, Denmark and Germany, along with Brazil and Peru, they are the first in the list with variations ranging from 30 calendar days to 5 weeks. By contrast, Japan and South Korea are the countries with fewer vacation days, with only 11.

Among the curiosities, we have India, which although has 25 days holiday,

Its inhabitants confess that usually only take 5 to 7 days, because they are seen as a culpable habit within their customs. On the other hand, a few weeks ago in Switzerland the particularity of calling the people vote to increase your leisure, to which 65.5% argued against was given.

If you are someone who loves to travel, take advantage of your 15, 21 or 30 days holiday and visit your favorite destination.