Posted on: August 31, 2016 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0
saving traveling

For many people savings and travel may seem two contradictory words. When we have a month of vacation we do not think saving money while traveling, but on the contrary, sometimes the money is wasted without much sense. Total say we are on holiday many!

But if you are like us, we seek to do many breaks at any time of year, you want to consider a number of tips to enjoy the maximum saving money as possible in everything that is not essential. That way your travels certainly will increase.

There is always a way to save traveling

It is good to learn to consume travel. As you know search offers the supermarket, it is not difficult to save when you travel if you develop a series of habits. One of our motto when we traveled (and maybe when not too) is “get more for less”. In this post we leave you some general tips that you should follow to avoid wasting your money.

saving traveling
Image Source: Google Image

Spend little money on transportation

Depending on the transportation you use can save in one way or another.

If you travel by plane you can adapt and look what days you agree more to save a few dollars on the flight. Or look at an airport that is in another city but the flight is much cheaper.

Yes, you have to look at what option is best for doing good numbers, because it may be very far from the airport and is very expensive to get to the city or is so uncomfortable that no worthwhile. Remember that your time costs money.

Search for economical transport is also possible

If you travel by train or bus you should be aware that there are several rates. Renfe offer rates of return that tend to be cheaper but there are also discounted rates that allow you to save a few dollars in your purchase. This we are beginning to implement some bus companies if they take greener.

If you are a regular reader of the trip he made me also know that travel a lot in van, which use sharing trip or amovens to share the cost of gasoline. If you have not yet encouraged to use these platforms for collaborative transportation we encourage you to do, we have always had great experiences.

Save on accommodation

The accommodation depends on where you go traveling, but I have a little trick that can serve to save while traveling. In platforms renting holiday apartments there is a “last minute”, this means there are bargains to rent apartments at the last minute.

It is risky but usually well worth it and we usually leave us well. Another way to save is to travel overnight accommodation at night bus or train can save one night and also connected to, the most of your trip. The trouble is that not rest as well as in a bed …

Cheap Eats

Us when we travel we have two very important rules: the first is that we choose to do lunch or dinner in the restaurant. That is, if you eat a sandwich you’ve prepared for you because you can afford a dinner somewhere and if instead you eaten in a restaurant you can dine something ligerito in the room where you stay or if you travel furgo it.

This we do for two reasons, to save a little and because if we do not eat an awful lot …

You may also like to read another article on NGCATravel: Tips for saving on holiday!

The second rule is trying to order menu or a la carte if we eat three courses at most, usually a starter to share and a second for each. The latter rule does not always fulfill it but in most cases is to eat. We are clear that 3 courses for two people is the right and necessary.

If looking good can save a lot of money on eating. Flee the tourist areas and dive into unfamiliar neighborhoods, if a bar is full of local people then it is a good sign and it sure does not disappoint! Another site where you usually eat well and cheaply is next to the markets.

Cultural visits

When you visit a city you must take into account the discounts that exist in cultural sites. In some cities like Barcelona, Paris or New York there are bonds of several days you can access many museums while enjoying some promotional discounts.

On the other hand, question Tourist Information offices for days of free access to museums, which are usually on Sundays. If you are staying several days perhaps you can arrange to go that day is free. Also there are often discounts to students, journalists, teachers, etc …

Discount coupons

Discount coupons are another possibility to save money when traveling. It does not cost any work browse a bit and try to find something that allows you to save a few dollars. Sometimes you will find nothing but others do.

We always do but never more than one or two minutes. We usually put into Google the company name and the word coupon to see if it sounds the flute! And sometimes it does! In these cases you always save a peak.

Do not waste money on maps and guides

Do not spend money on guides or maps compulsorily. Today we see not very necessary. Today, thanks to new technology you have access to much information without carrying a book all the time. There are many Apps that feature maps without needing internet, only with signal GPS.

On the other hand, if you prepare from home information destinations, for example looking at various blogs, you can take in some leaves that is necessary and you do not have to buy the guide. We usually do it that way lately and really not miss the Lonely Planet we used to take before.