Posted on: January 10, 2017 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0
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There’s a breakthrough idea in vacation planning that’s been gaining ground in the new “sharing” economy we’re all getting used to. People who are looking for a great place to stay while on vacation are now going beyond the idea of staying in hotels and discovering the great advantages of staying in rental homes.

How does it work? Right now there are several innovative travel booking websites that can help people find vacation rental homes in the United States for prices that are truly affordable. Along with friendly prices, these sites also offer a unique travel experience.

Going Beyond The Tourist Experience

Yes, staying in a hotel can be a good experience, but let’s face it, a hotel offers a view of a place from a tourist’s perspective. Staying in a home gives a traveler a real feel for what that destination city is really like, with all its unique customs and attractions. A home is also a much warmer place to stay in than a hotel, and also offers the chance to make home cooked meals. Overall, staying in a home is usually quite a bit less expensive than a hotel.

Ease of Use Online

The great advantage of traveling this way is that planning a trip is very easy. Some of the more user-friendly sites make it simple to plan a trip with just a few clicks. Users can look at photos of the homes they are considering staying in and compare prices and amenities. By the same token, people who wish to rent out their home to travelers can also use these sites to advertise their properties online. Homes that are shown with a lot of detail and great photos usually do the best as far as being rented out quickly.

Sure, exploring vacation rentals online does require an adventurous spirit, but then again so does traveling. The smart way to book a trip through an online sharing site is to go through photos and reviews of the home very carefully, and be sure to ask any necessary questions before putting down money for a trip. Also, it’s a good idea to find out about the site’s booking policy and whether a trip can be cancelled at short notice.

When it’s time to plan that next vacation, book a rental home online and really explore that undiscovered city.