Posted on: August 30, 2022 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0

Nothing is as relaxing and magical as a holiday around the most beautiful beaches of Elba, small paradises on an island waiting to be discovered.

There is no better place for a vacation than an island. Knowing to be separated from the world within a safe border, away from everyone thanks to miles of sea . Non-trivial land that unites everything in a simple way. This is why a truly perfect holiday is the one on the Island of Elba , where there are many secluded spaces to choose from and in which to rest assured like never before.

For example, on the most beautiful beaches of Elba , which are numerous and each one different from the other. A way to make your eyes and heart feel good. To this generous and magical nature there is then to add all the kindness of the people , that typical good Tuscan touch . And what about food? A treaty would not be enough to describe it. All this is the world that revolves around the most beautiful beaches of Elba. To discover, to love, to get lost in. Here they are in all its wonder.

The Island of Elba and the most beautiful beaches of Elba

The Island of Elba is the largest island in the Tuscan archipelago , the third largest island in Italy. Immersed in:

  • Tyrrhenian Sea ,
  • Ligurian Sea,
  • Channel of Piombino and Corsica,
  • it is also part of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park.

With its 7 municipalities , it is large and small together and falls within the province of beautiful Livorno . Elba owes its name to the iron mines that have been active here for centuries. In fact, his first name means “ soot ” in Greek. However, nothing to do with the clarity of its beaches , a fantastic sea overlooking Corsica on one side and the Tuscan coasts on the other.

223 square kilometers of pure splendor , seaside tourism is what attracts the most visitors here, even if the most beautiful beaches of Elba are certainly not the only attraction. Let’s immerse ourselves in their nature to discover this island.

Felciaio, peace and beauty

That of Felciaio is one of the most beautiful beaches on Elba for one reason in particular: here only nature dominates . No bathing establishment to get between the cliff and the sea, but only a small bar where you can eat unique dishes with a view of clear water .

The sea has a greenish color, splendid and calm like the cliff . All around there are many small minor coves with pebbles instead of sand . They are hidden and can only be reached on foot after long walks on the rocks, obviously with all the necessary precautions. The marine flora is very rich for this reason, here, snorkeling sessions are recommended . Just equip yourself with fins, mask and snorkel . There is a beautiful world to visit below. And outside, however, all the peace of an ancient and calm nature, which relaxes every corner of our body.

Padulella, white is the real King

Seeing the Padulella from above takes your breath away. A splendid beach, which is part of the white beaches of the north coast of Portoferraio . And in fact here the white of the pebble sand is the real protagonist, also because it highlights the splendid blue of the sea , occasionally colored by some rocks. In fact, next to the beach there is also Punta di Capo Bianco, to stay on topic, which protects the beach from westerly winds.

It is such a rare beach that it is part of the biological protection area . Its white pebbles are sometimes covered with beached poseidonia, because every living thing is fine here. And there is space in which to rest and enjoy this sea: the Padulella is 170 meters long. Establishments and many other services available.

Cala dei Frati: the first of the most beautiful beaches on Elba?

On the other side of the Padulella beach there is Cala dei Frati . Its gorgeous name is just the beginning of an adventure to be enjoyed in no time. The peculiarity of Cala dei Frati, one of the most beautiful beaches of Elba, is that it is surmounted by a high promontory . So here the sun is really there for a very short time. However, facing north, it is well sheltered from the winds.

Excellent for those who want to enjoy the summer heat without being in the sun and for those who want to swim in a quiet and isolated sea. The cove, in fact, does not leave room for many people, being quite small: 100 meters for a width between 2 and 10 meters. The view from here is also splendid. In addition to the fact that it can only be reached by sea. A real gem for a very few lucky ones . A paradise on the Island of Elba where everyone would like to spend a couple of hours even without too much sun.

Seccheto beach, synonymous with tranquility

For those looking for a comfortable and quiet beach, Seccheto is the right place . One of the most beautiful beaches of Elba, Seccheto rises on the Costa del Sole. Grainy and clear sand, it has splendid cliffs behind it, namely Monte Capanno which protects it from the worst winds. All perfectly harmonized with an immense blue sea. There is no shortage of space here: it is 130 meters long and 40 meters wide.

Seccheto is said to be the perfect beach for families. The reasons are varied. Since there are bathing establishments , here you can rest easy with children . Plus there is a way to play and move. A part of smooth granite cliff, on the other hand, becomes a perfect sunbed for a tan: perfect excuse, one parent at a time, to get away and give yourself to the sun in peace. And then other soft rocks become perfect platforms for unforgettable, safe dives.

Sansone beach, about the most beautiful beaches of Elba and wonder

A very quick first glance is enough to realize that Sansone beach is one of the most beautiful beaches on Elba. A real wonder , surmounted by a steep promontory and amiably licked by wonderful water . And the sand? A small and tremendous expanse of white pebbles, which highlight the blue of the sea.

White is also the bottom of the sea , which is why a bath here is equivalent to a whole moment of paradise , the most you could wish for. And then there are fabulous marine flora and fauna , rocks that look like paintings. That is why a visit to this exceptional underwater world is recommended. From one side of the beach to the other there are rocks for diving and stacks, the ideal destination for those who use kayaks. Everything, therefore, is reproduced and made available to the visitor on this small beach: a bed, a bathroom, a trampoline.