Posted on: April 18, 2020 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0
underwater waterfall mauritius tour

The underwater falls on the island of Mauritius are known to everyone for looking like a beautiful surreal work by some talented artist. However, we guarantee that these waterfalls are actually an optical effect with scientific explanation. A landscape illusion located on the island of Mauritius.

An authentic work of art of mother nature that we invite you to discover in this article, in which we reveal the explanation to this optical illusion of incomparable landscape beauty.

The underwater waterfall mauritius tour

The island of Mauritius, in Madagascar, awaits us on the southeast coast of Africa. A jewel of nature that offers us a unique natural spectacle around the world.

underwater waterfall mauritius tour

The illusion of this underwater waterfall is due to the infiltration of sand and silt deposits, a sediment transported by rivers and by the wind. The visual effect produced by these sediments intensifies the farther the landscape is observed, that is, especially with images captured by satellite, where we really have the impression of contemplating an underwater waterfall that, in reality, it is not.

The intense blue of the ocean contrasts with an incredible range of blue, green and white tones that gives this image an unparalleled grandeur of nature that leaves those who see it breathless.

Details and curiosities about the island of Mauritius

This jewel of nature that we find on the magical island of Mauritius, in Madagascar (Africa), is an island nation that is located in the Indian Ocean, specifically about 2,000 kilometers from the southeast coast of the African continent. Discovered in 975 AD by the Arabs, the island of Mauritius has witnessed various colonizations by Portugal, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Until in 1968 the island of Mauritius finally achieved its independence, thus becoming a republic.

Currently, this magnificent African island has an area of ​​2,040 km² and in 2014 it was estimated that there were 1,331,155 inhabitants. This island nation is maintained mainly by tourism, and it is an island with innumerable tourist attractions, in addition to this illusory underwater waterfall that actually has a fully scientific explanation. Without a doubt, we are facing one of the most unusual, beautiful and incredible landscapes in the world.

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