Posted on: October 25, 2016 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0
Sleep in a treetop

Hotels in the treetops are fashionable. When I think of this type of accommodation I imagine something primitive, with lots of wood and rustic air, but the reality is quite different. There are also hotels-tree very modern and contemporary, including some curious passed. Of course, these particular rooms are not suitable if you are afraid of heights.

There is a wide range of hotels in the trees, but those of Treehotel have particularly caught our attention. They are rooms with a futuristic design amid unspoiled nature. This curious hotel in Harads about 100 airport Lulea (Sweden). The amazing thing about this place is the nature, the surrounding forest and the river Lule. These tree houses (there are six) are inspired by the film “The Tree Lover” by Jonas Selberg Augustsen. The rooms are suspended 4-6 meters above the ground. His concept (as it should be in any hotel high) is sustainability and ecological values.

Sleep in a treetop
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The Cabin

The Cabin is a room with a large metallic structure and located between the trees.The cabin hangs below deck to reduce the visual impact. It has 24 m² and can accommodate two people. It has a double bed, bathroom and terrace.

Sleep in a treetop
Image Source: Google Image


The idea of sleeping in a UFO seems highly attractive, in fact it is the room that I like. The UFO is a composite melt resents stay and shaped UFO. They fit five people, two adults and three children. It has 30 sqm, double bed, 3 single beds, bathroom and living room.

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Sleep in a treetop
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The Mirrorcube

Sleep in a glass cube in a treetop I find the strangest. The Mirrorcube is a room of 4x4x4 meters with an aluminum base anchored around the trunk of a tree and the walls are covered with reflective glass. The interior is of plywood have 6 windows and a bridge 12 meters long leading to the “cabin”. This space is perfect for two people as it has a double bed, living room, bathroom and a rooftop terrace.

Sleep in a treetop
Image Source: Google Image

The Bird’s Nest

The Bird’s Nest is the least interesting I stay, the truth is that it gives a little scary. Outside it does not seem a room but a giant bird’s nest. The Bird’s Nest is perfectly camouflaged with the environment. The interior is made of wood paneled and windowless (though not enough). The space has 17m² and has separate bedrooms, bathroom and living room.