Posted on: September 6, 2016 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0
low cost travel

You always thought that low cost travel is impossible or is stuff for the rich? You want to leave, but the high prices hinder you? Do you think the price of airfares errors do not exist?

You just have to read our 10 tips for traveling low cost to change your mind. Are some of the tricks we use to save money on the go, all tested by us.

But let’s not waste time and start now to travel cheap with the 10 basic rules.

1 – The period and the destination Choice

Eliminate all constraints periods and destinations for low cost travel is one of the main recommendations in order to grasp the true offers that arise. It’s true, this is not always possible, but maybe the idea to set aside a few days in August to enjoy a long weekend in a period out of season is one of those things you do not always think.

low cost travel
Image Source: Google Image

2 – Price Mistakes really exist

Absolutely yes. No need to go crazy to try and simulate the lowest rates. It is enough to know the sites where most often found the pricing errors and those specialize in particular destinations. And ‘one of the methods that work best for low cost travel.

3 – Always avoid contextual purchases

Never buy the flight along with car rental, hotel or any other offer or service. They’ve never true offers and do not allow to travel low cost, even when they guarantee the lowest price. Always remember that nobody does anything for nothing and if you will not find a lower price elsewhere, surely you will find some more service for the same price or less in some limitations.

4 – Change the geolocation

One of the tricks with the most disruptive effects for low cost travel. Every country, every place, every area has its own air fares The flight to Easter Island a crazy amount it cost? Try geolocalize in Chile. Do you want to pay half the flight from Colombo to Maldives? Geolocated in Sri Lanka.

5 – Find the lowest price lists

We all know that look on a site translated into Italian is the most convenient and practical for everyone. Often, however, is not the most convenient for low cost travel. We do not know because our lists are among the highest in the world and not only compared to poor destinations, but also when compared for example to the USA. With little technical tricks you can access these lists at lower prices and really book and travel low cost.

6 – Book 5-star hotel also discounted by 70%

Waiting for the late afternoon when the hotels have unsold rooms now and look for a room for the evening and only for one night. Many luxury hotels, rather than remain with unsold rooms will sell for promotional purposes with discounts up to 70%. It is not a perfect way to travel low cost?

You may also like to read another article on NGCATravel: When traveling changes your life

7 – Organizing tours on site

You are doing a road trip or a cruise and excursions proposed on board have crazy prices? No problem: they are now numerous sites offering customized low cost excursions at much lower prices. Or you can just arrange the rental car for a few hours and you will have already saved!

8 – The Tourist Information centres are a resource

If you’re about to travel to an unknown or little joke destination, the local Tourist Office will be a real asset. Often they are there and do not have much to do, other times they are pleased to help foreigners to visit their destination and make it known. Other times they will not even ever had to deal with the Italians because no one has ever ventured that far. Ask them something typical, unusual, unique and low cost travel will be a breeze. will help you to the fullest.

9 – How to save money with the App and online resources

Before spending any money to join a site, see a show, book a tour or excursion or anything else you can think of on the road, stop for a while. Take a tour on the web and on your App Store. You know how many times there are discount codes dedicated or how many times online purchases are cheaper? An essential check for low cost travel.

10 – Harnessing the euro / dollar exchange rate for low cost travel

Today the dollar is almost like the euro. Not far away are the days when the exchange rate was actually 1.40. Do not underestimate this possibility either to buy dollars to keep aside for the trip, or to choose which currency to use in euro and US dollars to buy the local currency for daily expenses.