Posted on: September 9, 2016 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0
Times square

We remain of Tourism in New York and today at the intersection of 7th Avenue (Seventh Avenue) with Broadway have one of the most famous squares in the world: Times Square.

Times Square is in Midtown Manhattan that is at the heart of the heart of New York. Why is famous Times Squre? As for being in the center of Manhattan and being full of posters, billboards and large screens, where the world ‘s leading brands competing for your attention fences: Coca Cola, the Beer Bud, Samsung, Kodak (yes, despite already almost no one remembers the brand of the analog age, are reluctant to give up their space). We will also see the posters Broadway with the best music in the world: The Lion King, Chicago, etc. Times Square is part of the Theatre District of New York, where we can find dozens of rooms.

Times square
Image Source: Google Image

Over 27 million people visit Times Square annually so I will not discover anything new you have not seen in hundreds of movies but there are some topics…

Police and Taxis

Time Square is always full of police officers, even after the 11S, NYPD police officers with their uniforms walking more than recognizable and watching the square, always full of its characteristic and unmistakable yellow cabs.

London vs. New York: Times Square could say that is the London Piccadilly American circus, although it would be more correct to say that Picadilly is the Times Square British. In my opinion, as to spectacular wins by Times Square thrashing, although there are brighter screens every year in the famous square in London, this light of the New Yorker is still years away.

Cheap tickets for Broadway musicals

Also in Times Square we can use to buy a cheap way to one of the theaters of Broadway entrance. We buy single tickets on one of the posts ticketing Square, in the form of late and partial vision. It is better to have budget and buy a good place in advance but if you are at the end of the trip, but still deserved much worth it . With single tickets you have to sit alone in the theater, but after all what does it matter, all while you see you do not speak … and you can comment on the Broadway musical to go out and saving dollars is considerable. We could see the Musical Chicago and loved it.

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New Year’s Eve in Times Square

One of the outstanding travel that has all blogger trip is going to spend new year’s eve to Times Square., And as I was one of them. I would have liked to celebrate the chimes in the most emblematic place on earth Times Square, where more than a million people chanting the countdown to see the ball drop, the One Times Square Building, which marks the end of the year.

More New York: If you have enough days in New York a good alternative is to buy the CityPASS New York that allows you to purchase several tickets at once as the Empire State Building, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim or the boat to the Statue Freedom all one and no queues.

Tourists and street performances

In addition to the bright screens, there are other things which of course never lacking in Times Square tourists and street spectacle, like the cowboy photo. I have seen several trips to New York and if you go you ask out of curiosity are you still there?