Posted on: February 15, 2020 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0
Camping Supplies

If you want to go camping you need to have enough camping supplies that will last you for the whole duration of the camping trip.

If you don’t have enough camping supplies you can still save your camping trip if there is a shop nearby your campsite where you can re-supply.

Be sure that you have enough camping supplies by referring to camping lists you can easily find on the internet.

Refer to more than one checklist just to make sure you don’t leave out anything important.

Camping Supplies: Water and Food

The most important camping supply you need is water especially if you’re not camping on a campground or recreational vehicle camping where there a small chance of buying more water. Bring as much as you can carry without leaving out the important camping equipment.

Food is definitely one of the camping supplies that should not be in short supply. Canned foods are good for camping but they tend to add a lot of weight to your backpack.

Dried hiking food is a good option if you want to have a lighter load. Most campers bring a little bit of both. Bringing ready-to-eat food is a wise decision. Don’t forget to bring snacks like chocolate bars and energy drinks, they’ll give you a much needed boost in energy. Keep reading: Best Places for Primitive Camping in the United States

Personal stuff camping supplies

Toilet paper should be part of your camping supplies if you’re going hiking camping. Bring a shovel too so you can bury your faeces.

A plastic bag is useful for a lot of things like carrying extra stuff that don’t fit your backpack or as a laundry bag. If you want you can bring a laundry bag but a plastic can separate your wet clothes from the dry ones better. Carry a few of them as they don’t weigh very much.

Mosquito or insect repellents are a crucial part of your camping supplies in some parts of the world especially where it’s hot. Some insects can make you really sick.

That said, also bring some medicine like aspirin and ibuprofen but don’t forget to bring your personal medicine if any. A first aid kit should always be a part of your camping supplies. Be sure that you know how to use them or bring along a manual that can show you how.

One camping supply that most people tend to forget is extra batteries for you flashlight, headlamp or your cell phone. These three items are important camping equipment and you don’t want them to be useless because they’re out of batteries.

You would also want to put in toothpaste, toothbrush, razor blades, shampoo and soap in your camping supplies list because it’s important to keep clean when you can.

These are all essential camping supplies you should have with you when you do camping especially when you’re out in the wild away from civilization. Always be sure to have the complete camping supplies and in enough quantities before you go camping in the woods.

Also check your camping equipment and camping gear so that they both suitable and complete. A camping equipment and camping supplies checklist can be a real life saver even before to start camping

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