Posted on: July 6, 2017 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0

Going on vacation is very exciting. It puts you in a good mood just thinking about it. Planning and packing is oftentimes stressful, so it’s important to remain calm in the early stages. Once you get closer to your trip, it’s time to start relaxing and preparing for the ride.

Getting to your destination is half the battle. Remember to stay patient and know that many people are trying to get to where they need to go. The airport is sometimes a long wait and makes you anxious because you’re ready to depart. See how to entertain yourself while waiting to board your airplane.

Plan your Meals

Use this extra time as a chance to plan out your meals while you’re traveling. Find restaurants and cuisines you want to try once you arrive at your destination, or designate nights you prefer to cook. Read reviews of the restaurants and food to make sure you pick places that won’t disappoint you. This is the perfect time to be mapping out where you’ll go and what you’ll eat along the way. You don’t want to be wasting time figuring it out once you’re there.

Read A Book on your Destination

You’ve been busy preparing and packing, so now’s your time to sit back and read a book. Be sure to buy travel guides relating to your destination and the culture. Learn about the areas you’ll be visiting and why they’re so special. Reading is a great way to study facts and figures about your destination and be ahead of the game once you arrive. Take these books with you while you journey through the country in case you need them for reference.

Play on your Computer

Use this extra time to play on your laptop or phone. Make it a productive session by writing notes about your trip or designing a new background wallpaper. Personalize your laptop and phone for when you’re traveling by creating a vibrant wallpaper that speaks to your personality. Upload images and write phrases or words of your choosing over the pictures. Keep this website in mind when you return from your trip because you’ll be able to upload pictures from your voyage and save them to your phone and laptop as your background.

Determine your Excursions

Figure out what activities you want to participate in while you’re traveling. Look online for ideas and read about what other people have done and liked. See what’s popular and also what’s off the beaten path, if you prefer a unique adventure. Explore ahead of time, so you’re not scrambling once you arrive at your destination. Book excursions in advance if it’s possible. This is a great time to roughly plan out your days because it puts less stress on you when you get there. Start circling and crossing off the different tours and adventures based on your interest.


Planning a trip is hard work. Make it easier on yourself by using your downtime wisely. These are ideas for how to entertain yourself while waiting to board your airplane.