Posted on: May 23, 2016 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0
How to pack

Prepare suitcase to leave for vacation can be the worst time of travel. Delsey, the French company creator of luggage since 1946, gives you a few tips so you do not fill your suitcase packed; you know you will not use even half of the things!

How to pack
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1) Write down on paper all the essentials

Write down everything in advance to think out and keep the list: well, the next times, you just have to make the indispensable and adjust the rest depending on the duration and destination.

2) Create your looks

Check the weather’s going to do during the days you go on vacation. Create different looks for those days with clothes that combine with each other and exclude items that are wrinkled or dirty fast.

3) Mete versatile items

Jackets for cool nights, beach bag, comfy robes for the day and accessories to exit.

4) The drama of the choice of footwear!

Opt first by a comfortable pair that sticking with most of your outfits. Avoid boots and wedge shoes that occupy much space or bring them made the outward and return journeys. As a rule, adapts this basic formula to the destination: pair + pair for walking at night + favorite pair.

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5) A light necessary

Depending on the length of stay, your favorite products in sample formats or less than 100 ml may suffice (especially if you are staying in a hotel). Also consider to fill empty bottles or shower gel and shampoo for the whole family.

6) The accessories that change everything

Choose some accessories to transform your basic sets at night: an elegant choker to highlight the neckline, a belt to mark the waist, bag gold for a black dress, a thin black tie for a stylish look. Like this content? Visit for more like this.