Posted on: June 5, 2019 Posted by: Thomas Walker Comments: 0
restaurants in Vienna

If you plan to visit the city, you should know some restaurants in Vienna. Choosing one or the other depends on what you look for depending on the type of food and, above all, the money you want to spend. The options in this city are very broad, so you will have no problem finding places to eat according to your circumstances.

Yes, the recommendation is that do not hesitate to try the local dishes, as the Austrian cuisine is nourished by other well-known from the countries that are closer, such as Germany or Italy. We show you 7 restaurants in Vienna where you can recharge your batteries after sightseeing in the city.

Restaurants in Vienna: Vinothek W-Einkehr

restaurants in Vienna

A good place to start our gastronomic route and with moderate prices. Here we can enjoy the typical Austrian food but, above all, we can taste the best wines of Vienna. If you are a lover of this drink, you will love this place, so do not hesitate to add it to your list of restaurants in Vienna.

The main character is the wine, but at Vinothek W-Einkehr you can dine in a very pleasant atmosphere. The best thing is to order a good cheese and sausages to accompany a tasting of several wines .

Cafe Restaurant Leto

With a menu of Mediterranean food and a special touch, Café Restaurant Leto is another place that will surely not leave you indifferent. If your economy for lunch and dinner is not very high, this is one of the places where you can eat well without spending too much.

All their dishes are of great quality and are cooked the moment you order them. Do not hesitate to ask for a good portion of cake for dessert.

Vienna Sausage, among the cheapest restaurants in Vienna

This recommendation is for those who are looking for a really economical place to eat. It’s a small place where you know what you’re going for. Eating a hot dog with delicious Viennese sausages for less than five dollars is possible at the Vienna Sausage.

Another advantage is that you can add several toppings to your hot dog. In addition, in this type of premises you will not have to wait too long to prepare your food.

Casino Restaurant Wien

A peculiar restaurant in Vienna is this one. And is that, as the name suggests, is in a casino and its elegant decoration will be the first thing that surprises you.

But so will your letter, as it offers the best meats and products of Austrian cuisine. In addition, it has a great variety of wines. This, without a doubt, is a good place to eat on your trip to central Europe.

Knoedel Manufaktur

A different place to visit in Vienna. At the Knoedel Manufaktur you can try a typical dish that you will surely love. In this restaurant it is also possible to eat or dine without spending too much money.

The specialty, as is evident, is the knoedel. They are a kind of meatballs, but with a variety of ways of processing. In fact, you have the option of ordering them both salty and sweet. It is best to order several different flavors to try a little of everything. The product is fresh and of quality.

Zum Alten Fassl, one of the most typical restaurants in Vienna

This is a restaurant with typical Austrian food. The menu is very extensive and the portions are plentiful, so it may not be the best place to try several dishes unless you are very hungry.

Highlights are the pork medallions, the tafelspitz and the extensive dessert menu. The restaurant is typical and the prices are good in relation to quality and quantity. This is, without a doubt, the best option if you want to know the recipes of Austrian cuisine dishes as they are.


For those who want to spend a little more and get to know a more elaborate cuisine, Loca is a recommendable Vienna restaurant. The signature cuisine of this establishment offers very different dishes to those you will find in other restaurants such as those that appear in this list.

In addition to the innovative recipes, its wine list and desserts stand out in this restaurant. To know the largest number of dishes, it is best to ask for the tasting menu.

Vienna in one day: itinerary of visit

Visiting Vienna in a day is not crazy, although it is not entirely advisable. The Austrian capital is one of the main European destinations and hides many attractions and in a day you will not have enough to see them all. Even so, we have prepared this visit itinerary so you can see the essentials of Vienna in one day. Also, if you still do not know where to stay, we leave you a post with the best areas and hotels so you can choose the one that best suits you.

Where to sleep in Vienna: best areas and hotels

Before starting the tour, we advise you to take the Vienna Pass. Why? For two reasons:

If you follow this itinerary and decide to enter all the monuments that we mentioned, you will end up saving.

Having only one day in the city, it will be convenient to skip the queues. With the Vienna Pass you will skip them all.

The hour is a suggestion, not an obligation. We say at 8:30 am because it is the time the Palace opens. Keeping in mind that the day is packed, we advise you to start the day as soon as possible at the Schonbrunn Palace. Perhaps it is the main attraction of the city, so there is no better way to start this tour of Vienna in one day.

The Schonbrunn Palace was the summer residence of the Habsburgs, one of the most powerful royal families in the history of Europe. Just to see the palace they had to spend the summer one can imagine the power they had. There are more than 1400 rooms!

Access is free with the Vienna Pass. If you do not have one, entering the interior of the building costs € Of course, although entering is advisable, it is not essential. The gardens are as or more spectacular than the building it and admission is free.

Finally finish your tour of the Palace by climbing the hill at the end of the gardens. From there you will have spectacular views of Vienna. Although in the gardens there are other attractions such as the Vienna Zoo or a fun labyrinth, we do not advise you to spend time because you may be missing at the end of the day for more interesting things.